Stable identifiers
Herbarium # LAGU CEH01240
Collection # LAGU
Stored under taxonname Inga paterno Harms   tropicos
Family Mimosaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned Linares & Berendsohn (boceto NSC 2005-01)
Ident. history Orig.: Inga; E.A.Montalvo (LAGU) 1991-07: Inga jinicuil; Linares & Berendsohn (boceto NSC 2005-01) Inga paterno
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Hughes,C.E. 1240 [CEH01240] (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1989-02-18
El Salvador / Santa Ana — 13.73333° / -89.53333°
Label Depto. Santa Ana, on the exreme north-eastern flanks of the Volcan Santa Ana range near the road from El Congo towards Cerro Verde, on slopes near he rim of the crater of Lago Coatepeque. ; Alt. 980 m
Habitat Infrequent shade tree over with Inga vera, Gliricidia sepium, Cordia alliodora and Simarouba glauca.
Habitus Medium-size tree to 8 m ht. with heavy branches and an open, spreading crown. Bark smooth grey-black, mottled lighter with lichen. Leaves recenttly flushed and inmature, with a pale glossy green upper suface. Abundant striking cream-white flower head with a delicate sweet lemon fragance; corolla and calyx pale yellow green, stamens filaments pale cream-white anthers pale yellow.
Annotations Herbaria: FHO LAGU