Stable identifiers
Herbarium # LAGU GD-37355
Collection # LAGU
Stored under taxonname Avicennia germinans (L.) L.   tropicos
Flora do Brasil - lista de espécies (RB)
Flora de Cuba (BGBM Cybertax)
Family Avicenniaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned J.L.Linares (LAGU) 2000-07-04
Ident. history J.L.Linares (LAGU) 2000-07-04: Avicennia germinans
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Davidse,G. et al. 37355 [GD-37355] (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1998-02-01
El Salvador / La Unión — 13.43556° / -87.79222°
Label Depto. La Union, ca. 1 km south of Barrancones ; Alt. 30 m
Habitat Low scrub forest on old lava flow with loose rocks at edge of mangrove swamp.
Habitus Tree, to 2-3 m; flowers cream, white leaves covered in salt.
Annotations Herbaria: B BM ITIC LAGU MO