Stable identifiers
Herbarium # LAGU WB-01195
Collection # LAGU
Stored under taxonname Bauhinia pauletia Pers.   tropicos
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned W.Berendsohn (LAGU) 1988-10-15
Ident. history W.Berendsohn (LAGU) 1988-10-15: Bauhinia pauletia
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF ORCID Berendsohn,W. & Calderón 1195 [WB-01195] (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1988-10-13
El Salvador / La Paz — 13.5° / -88.86667°
Label Depto. La Paz, Tecoluca, Cantón La Lucha, Cas. La Pedrera, Hac. Sta.María. ; Alt. 35 m
Habitat Growing along fence in fields.
Habitus Shrub about 4 m tall. Flowers green with purplish tint.
Annotations Herbaria: B HBG F LAGU MO